The setup of your home represent the energy pattern that are either supporting or negating your love life.
The setup of your home represent the energy pattern that are either supporting or negating your love life.
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body and a strong aura indicates optimal health and general wellbeing. The state of your home can weaken your aura. As you periodically go to the doctor for routine checkups, you need to do the same with your home.
True leadership is not about telling other people what to do, but actually inspiring them back into their heart, where they can freely connect with their soul and their own power.
Simply adding a starfish shell to the career area of your home can help you to be the “star” in your career.
When the mind is creative and illuminated (Adam) it can guide our emotions (Eve), to control our desires. (Snake).
Chavah reflects the ability of woman not only to be filled with life but to grant life to others.
Binahtit is a woman who becomes an instrument of the Divine Mother, and is committed to sharing these attributes with world.
To the degree that you can quiet your inner chatter you will hear the suggestive voice of your soul and establish a connection with the Divine.
Be sure to keep your learning and expanding. Never assume you know it all. Everyone has valuable information to share with you as we are all individualized expressions of the divine.
Seek first to understand then to be understood – listen without, collect information and then listen within.