Sivan Einav


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Did you ever experience the energy of the Divine Feminine in your life? Women often sell themselves short forgetting how divinely amazing they are. In this video my desire is to remind you how famously divine you are. I will talk about the concept of the Divine Feminine as portrayed by the first woman – Eve or Chavah in Hebrew. Archetypes are so powerful as they connect us to the collective unconscious regardless of our gender, race, or religion background.

If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel and get inspired with free videos of practical wisdom to help you bring order to your home, maximize your health, harmonize your love relationship, access your Divine Feminine energy, and align your career with your purpose. For those of you planning to conceive or already pregnant, get expert advice on fertility, pregnancy and beyond.

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Chavah reflects the ability of woman not only to be filled with life but to grant life to others.



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About Me

Hi, I am Sivan. I am a practical Kabbalist, a lover of ancient wisdom and Modern Science.
I believe in women’s ability to reconnect to their higher spiritual potential. You deserve to live THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS !
Binahtit TV contains wisdom that changed my life and I believe it can help change yours.

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