Did you know that you can balance your metabolism with your tongue? Metabolism is the biochemical process of merging nutrients with oxygen to release the energy your body needs in order to function adequately. Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns in order to support your heart rate, brain function and breathing, and it accounts to 75% of the calories you burn each day. Many of us are interested to have a metabolism that is fast enough to prevent weight gain and maintain wellbeing. Rather than obsessing about the amount of calories, or carbohydrates on a nutritional label, the 6 Tastes offer a simple and delicious way for us to nourish ourselves and support our metabolism.
In this video you’ll learn:
1. How the six tastes satisfy each of the major dietary building block
2. How to include the 6 tastes in each meal without it being a complicated task
3. Why it’s crucial to have the six tastes in every meal
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