Sivan Einav


Awakened Parenting: Know Yourself

Awakened parenting requires examining our own behavior and letting go of habits that no longer serve us. Meanwhile, along with this comes the opportunity to nourish behaviors that contribute to our personal growth.

Firstly, to be truly available to your child, you must seek to understand yourself. In essence, a child is like a mirror that forces you to look within and discover your strengths and inadequacies. While parenting is far from easy, by the same token with its challenges come great rewards. Secondly, no one can tell you how to be a parent, only inspire you to grow in to your unique expression of parenthood. At the same time, as soon as we assume the role of a parent, we gain great potential for spiritual awakening. To that end, this is what I refer to as “awakened parenting.”

“One of his students asked Buddha, ‘Are you the messiah?’ ‘No,’ answered Buddha. ‘Then are you a healer?’ ‘No,’ Buddha replied. ‘Then are you a teacher?’ the student persisted. ‘No, I am not a teacher.’ ‘Then what are you?’ asked the student, exasperated. ‘I am awake,’ Buddha replied.” – Gautama Buddha

Are you fully present for
yourself and your child?


“One of his students asked Buddha, ‘Are you the messiah?’ ‘No,’ answered Buddha. ‘Then are you a healer?’ ‘No,’ Buddha replied. ‘Then are you a teacher?’ the student persisted. ‘No, I am not a teacher.’ ‘Then what are you?’ asked the student, exasperated. ‘I am awake,’ Buddha replied.” – Gautama Buddha

To be truly available to your child, you must first seek to understand yourself. A child is like mirror that forces you to look within and discover and inadequacies. Parenting requires that we examine our own behavior and let go of habits that no longer serve us. Along with this comes the opportunity to nourish behaviors that contribute to our personal growth. Parenting is far from easy, but with its challenges come great rewards. No one can tell you how to be a parent, but only inspire you to grow into your unique expression of parenthood. When we assume the role of a parent, we gain great potential for spiritual awakening. This is what I refer to as “awakened parenting.”

Awakened Parenting Has three Building Blocks

  • Accepting your own innate desire to receive
  • Creating a personal shift from receiving to giving
  • Creating healthy boundaries between the above two building blocks

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, parenting leads you to a higher level on the ladder of spirituality. This is because the focus is no longer on your own desires, but on those of another living being. The word for parent in the Hebrew is horeh, meaning “to show the way.” The word for child is yelled, which relates to giving birth.

In spiritual terms, parenting requires us to guide our children to that which inspires their soul.

The concept of love in Kabbalah is summed up in the following expression: “love thy friend as thyself.” This truth has permeated many moral philosophies and religions as The Golden Rule: to treat others as you wish to be treated. This concept of love includes relationships between all beings, including the love between a parent and a child.

Loving your child means attaching his/her desires to yours and adopting this desire in order to fulfill their needs. While doing so, you cannot negate your own needs, and therefore parenting requires you to create healthy boundaries.

Awakened Parenting Has Three Building Blocks

  • Accepting your own innate desire to receive
  • Creating a personal shift from receiving to giving
  • Creating healthy boundaries between the above two 

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, parenting leads you to a higher level on the ladder of spirituality. Significantly, this is because the focus is no longer on your own desires, but rather on those of another human being. Interestingly, the word for parent in Hebrew is horeh, meaning “to show the way.” In addition, the word for child is yelled, which relates to giving birth. Therefore, in spiritual terms, parenting requires us to guide our children to give birth to that which inspires their soul. It is important to be mindful that awakened parenting does not include giving birth to what inspires our own soul. 

The Golden Rule of Love

The concept of love in Kabbalah is summed up in the following expression: “love thy neighbor as thyself.” This truth has permeated many moral philosophies and religions as The Golden Rule: chiefly, to treat others as you wish to be treated. As can be seen, this concept of love includes relationships between all beings, including the love between a parent and a child.

Loving your child means adopting their desires to help them fulfill their needs. In the meantime, while doing so, you cannot negate your own needs. For that reason, parenting requires you to create healthy boundaries.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

In Kabbalah, the Tree of Life—i.e., the blueprint of Creationcontains ten  different vessels (spheres) that work with one another to create a state of harmony. Importantly, Binah, which is the third sphere on the Tree of Life, corresponds to the energy of the Divine Mother. With this in mind, as a Binahtit, we can look at the example of Binah, who loves unconditionally, yet is capable of setting healthy boundaries. Oftentimes, many of us confuse the concepts of unconditional love and boundaries, but it must be remembered that a vessel can only give to the extent that it is filled. Likewise, a true Binahtit must replenish her own energy in order to keep taking care of her child.

When you give birth to your child, in the same way you also give birth to a completely different version of yourself. Above all, you are the vessel through which life comes. For this reason, being a mother will create a double impact. On one hand you are supporting the journey of your beloved child, and on the other hand the birthing of your inner Binahtit. This journey allows you to unlock your valor, and, ultimately, to show up in the world as a vulnerable, powerful, non-apologetic woman﹘for yourself and for your family.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

In Kabbalah, the Tree of Lifeor the blueprint of Creationcontains ten  different vessels (spheres) that work with one another to create a state of harmony. Binah, which is the third sphere on the Tree of Life, corresponds to the energy of the Divine Mother. As a Binahtit, we can look at the example of Binah, who loves unconditionally, yet is capable of setting healthy boundaries. Many of us confuse the concepts of unconditional love and boundaries, but a vessel can only give to the extent that it is filled. Likewise, a true Binahtit must replenish her own energy in order to keep taking care of her child.


When you give birth to your child, you also give birth to a completely different version of yourself. You are the vessel through which life comes. Being a mother will create a double impact—supporting the journey of your beloved child and the birthing of your inner Binahtit. This journey allows you to unlock your valor, and to show up in the world as a vulnerable, powerful, non-apologetic woman﹘for yourself and for your family.

Whether you would like to seek to understand yourself or are looking to balance giving and receiving with your child (or child to be), together we will work on creating your own unique expression of awakened parenting.

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Whether you would like to seek to understand yourself or are looking to balance giving and receiving with your child (or child to be), together we will work on creating your own unique expression of awakened parenthood.

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