Body Type Assessment Welcome to your Body Type Assessment I am slender and don’t gain weight easily. Please select your answer Yes No I am taller or shorter than average Yes No My skin has a tendency to get dry especially during the winter Yes No Circulation My circulation is poor and I often have cold hands and feet My circulation is good and I generally feel warm My circulation is slow and I tend to feel cool Frame I am thin, lanky, and slender with prominent joints and thin muscles I have a medium, symmetrical build with good muscle development I have a large, round or stocky build. My frame is broad, stout or thick Urine Small amounts very frequently throughout the day Abundant, deep yellow, occasionally slightly burning Moderate, concentrated Perspiration I perspire very little, usually with no strong odor I perspire profusely, usually with strong odor I perspire moderately, usually with sweet odor Gait I usually walk quicker than most people with short light steps Stable, purposeful pace at moderate speed Slow, unhurried, and graceful strides Appetite and digestion pattern My appetite and digestion varies. Warm food is very grounding for me I have a strong appetite and I can digest large quantities of food. I dislike delaying meals. Cool foods is comforting for me I have low appetite. I can miss a meal comfortably, feels best with smaller quantities of food. I prefer warm food. My digestion tend to be sluggish Bowel  Movements I tend to have constipation accompanied by gas I have regular bowel movements with a tendency to loose stools or diarrhea I have slow bowel movements with solid and well formed stools with tendency to be oily Sleep Pattern I find it hard to fall asleep but have many dreams when I do. Length of sleep: 5-7 hours per night I sleep well and sound but not too long. Length of sleep: 6-8 hours per night I sleep deeply and enjoy sleeping for long periods but often find it difficult to wake up - feel lethargic when waking Dreams Flying, running, fear, searching, traveling Passion, violence, light, anger, jealousy, the sun, colors Romance, water, ocean, sadness, empathy Speech Pattern I tend to be chatty and speak quickly. My voice is low in volume, not really deep or resonant I am articulate, speaking clearly and precisely. I have tendencies to be argumentative. My voice might be sharp, loud, and captures attention I speak slowly and methodically. My speech is sometimes monotonous, with low- pitched. My voice is pleasant, deep, and harmonious Weather preference I prefer warm climates and sweat little. I don’t feel comfortable when it is cold, windy and dry I enjoy cool climates and sweat profusely- I don’t tolerate hot weather and humidity I prefer warm climates and I sweat moderately- I don’t tolerate cold and damp (rain) weather Activity Pattern I perform activities very quickly. I have the tendency to do many things at once therefore I may not always complete things I begin. I can become easily distracted I am very focused while I perform any activity; I have a tendency towards perfectionism; I am likely to become aggravated if interrupted or encounter difficulties I do things calmly, slowly, and steadily Learning Pattern I learn new things quickly but forget them easily if I don’t use them for a while I learn moderately quickly (after hearing new material 2 or 3 times) and have good mental retaining capacity I takes me time to learn new things, however I have good long term memory capacity Will Power Weak, I often start out very determined but later give in Moderate, I am very self-critical when I fail to follow through Strong, if I make a decision I stay with it Energy pattern I have burst of energy with tendency to tire easily and to overexert I have a lot of energy. My energy has a tendency to be explosive I have a lot of steady and enduring energy. My energy is not explosive Temperament I am full of joy and enthusiasm when I am balanced. I have tendencies to feel nervous, and not content when I am out of balance I am highly self motivated; I subjected to temper tantrum, impatience and anger when out of balance I am slow to get angry. I am usually happy and serve as a point of stability to others Social More often than not I am insecure and nervous in new social situations I am outgoing and usually assertive and accessible around people I usually do more listening than speaking in new situations, but people are attracted to me nonetheless Your new question! Questions everything, theorizes as to the cause of events, creative Discriminating, judging, suspicious Logical, stable, reasonable, slow to evaluate Mental Tendency Questions everything, theorizes as to the cause of events, creative Discriminating, judging, suspicious Logical, stable, reasonable, slow to evaluate Truthfulness I may harmlessly lie in order to avoid uncomfortable situations such as hurting others I usually make sure to tell the truth I rarely lie, I believe all heartedly in telling the truth Your new question! Your new question! I am slender and don’t gain weight easily Yes No I am slender and don’t gain weight easily Please select your answer Yes No Your new question! Your new question! Your new question! Time's up