Sivan Einav

How To Invoke Angels & Spirit Guides Instantly 

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By working with the angels and spirit guides you can experience the true gift of “God is within you.” The angels are always beside you, waiting to support your heart’s desire for the highest good of all. Their God-given mission is to always help you ascend to a higher level of consciousness. 

Our sages said, “There is not a blade of grass below that does not have an angel above that strikes it and tells it, ‘Grow!’” According to the the Book of Splendor (the Zohar) one of the angels’ tasks is to transport our words of prayer before God’s throne.

What kind of angels are you creating? 

Angels are not only summoned by your prayers, but in fact born by them. According to Kabbalah, every human deed and word creates an angel. Good deeds create angels that advocate for us in the Upper World. Bad deeds create angels that require us to pay for our karma. What kind of angels are you creating? 

Humanity is becoming increasingly in need of the presence of Angelic Beings to help us raise our consciousness. Now more than ever, angels are flocking to Earth in increasing numbers to offer their assistance to humanity. Since angels are governed by the Spiritual Laws they wait for us to call on them, as they cannot act unless they are asked to do so. 

So how you can you invoke angels and spirit guides instantly? 

Step I — sit in a comfortable position in a space that you typically meditate from daily. If you don’t have one please create one. Make sure that there are no shoes in the room where you are meditating. 

Step II – light a candle, as angels are creatures of light. 

Step III — imagine light before you, behind you, at your left, at your right, above you, below you and in you. 

Step IV – get clear what would you like to bring in or what challenge you need to resolve. 

Step V — align your request with any of the following archangels, who is the one in charge of the choir of angels, the CEO of the angels. 

  1. To bring more order into your life, divine feminine energy, and structure — you need to connect with Archangel Binael.
  2. To attract prosperity (both physical and spiritual), confidence and generosity – you need to connect with Archangel Tzadkiel.
  3. To cultivate courage, assertiveness, and magnetism – you need to connect with Archangel Camael.
  4. To enhance compassion for yourself and others, to bring in deep connection with your higher self, and deep healing — you need to connect with Archangel Raphael.
  5. If you need help to bring more self-love, to overcome emotional chaos, summon your soulmate —  you need to connect with Archangel Hanael.
  6. To bring in more mental clarity, to process information with ease, to succeed on a test, or to prepare for an interview — you need to connect with Archangel Michael.
  7. If you need help to bring more sensuality, conceive a baby or a project, strengthen your individuality and heal your reproductive system — you need to connect with Archangel Gavriel.

Step VI – invoke the angels of the 4 directions: “May Michael be on my right, Gavriel on my left, Uriel before me, and behind me, Raphael, and above my head, Shechinat-El” 

Step VII – Call upon the angel that you would like to make a petition to: With the permission of Archangel Metatron, who sits by the throne of God, I’m now asking Archangel……. to bring into my life……. or something better. And so it is.” 

More Angel Support 

Purchase the Blueprints of Miracles 

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Hi, I am Sivan. I am a practical Kabbalist, a lover of ancient wisdom and Modern Science.
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Binahtit Blog contains wisdom that changed my life and I believe it can help change yours.

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