Sivan Einav

Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

We all engage in the habit of self-talk. The truth is, we cannot stop talking to ourselves and are not even aware of the infinite talk on loop in our mind. Importantly, this self-talk is the main cause of our external reality. Now imagine a relationship with another person, perhaps your love mate. Remember, each of you is already engaging in your own self-talk! The question then becomes, how can true, authentic conversation take place? Perhaps instead of relating to one another you are convinced that your partner is unfair towards you. In fact, your partner only echos back to you your own inner self-talk.

If these conversations impact your reality and affect the way you communicate with others, yet you cannot really stop them, what is left for you to do? Happily, you are not as powerless as it may seem.

Although you cannot stop your self-talk, the good news is you can refine it. You can actively direct your self-talk to an end that is satisfactory to you! 


We all engage in the habit of talking to ourselves. The truth is we cannot stop talking to ourselves and are not even aware of the infinite dialogues on loop in our mind. And yet these internal dialogues are the main cause of our external reality.

Now imagine a relationship with another person, perhaps your love mate. Each of you is already engaged in your own inner dialogue! How can true, authentic conversation then take place? Instead of relating to one another you may be convinced that your partner is unfair towards you. The truth is, your partner only echos back to you your own inner dialogue.

If these conversations dictate your reality and affect the way you communicate with others, yet you cannot really stop them, what is left for you to do? You are not as powerless as it may seem.

Although you cannot stop these conversations, you can refine them. You can an end that is satisfactory to you!

How can you refine the quality of your self-talk?

Speech is the image of your mind, as your speech reflects your thoughts. Your outer reality constantly reflects your inner speech. Therefore to change your outer reality, you must change your speech. In other words, when you change your “outer speech” it will change your “inner speech,” or self-talk thus changing your outer reality. The practical solution – you must actively abandon the habit of negative self-talk, because it will never produce the circumstances that you desire. Now, it is inevitable to have negative thoughts, and this is not solely an invitation to recite positive affirmations or engage in positive thinking.

How can you refine the quality of your internal dialogue?

Speech is the image of your mind, as your speech reflects your thoughts. Your outer reality constantly reflects your inner speech. Therefore to change your outer reality, you must change your speech. In other words, when you change your “outer speech” it will change your “inner speech,” or internal dialogue. thus changing your outer reality. The practical solution? 

You must actively abandon the habit of negative self-talk, because it will never produce the circumstance that you desire. Now, it is inevitable to have negative thoughts, and this is not solely an invitation to recite positive affirmations or engage in positive thinking. 

In Kabbalah, it is said that the ultimate life mission is to imitate the ways of the Creator. When we observe life, we can witness that the mechanism of creation involves creating “something out of nothing,” or the “seen from the unseen.” This same mechanism of creation is hidden in the very depth of your subconscious mind.

Your thoughts are the unseen seeds and your subconscious mind is the uterus where creation is taking place. When your thoughts become reality, they are seen. The key is to plant the right seeds within your subconscious mind to create a reality that is aligned with your life purpose. The only way to change your life is to change your mind!

How can you change your life?

In Kabbalah, it is said that the ultimate life mission is to imitate the ways of the Creator. When we observe life, we can witness that the mechanism of creation involves creating “something out of nothing,” or the “seen from the unseen.”
This same mechanism of creation is hidden in the very depth of your subconscious mind.

Your thoughts are the unseen seeds and your subconscious mind is the uterus where creation is taking place. When your thoughts become reality, they are seen. The key is to plant the right seeds within your subconscious mind to create a reality that is aligned with your life purpose. The only way to change your life is to change your mind! 

Regardless of what your life circumstances are reflecting back to you due to the quality of your self-talk, you can still change your mindset. Together we will figure out the life you want to live, your primary aim and how to match the quality of your self-talk to support this aim.

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Regardless of what your life circumstances are reflecting back to you due to the quality of your internal dialogue, you can still change your mind. Together we will figure out the life you want to live, your primary aim and how to match the quality of your internal dialogue to support this aim.

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