We all engage in the habit of self-talk. The truth is, we cannot stop talking to ourselves and are not even aware of the infinite talk on loop in our mind. Importantly, this self-talk is the main cause of our external reality. Now imagine a relationship with another person, perhaps your love mate. Remember, each of you is already engaging in your own self-talk! The question then becomes, how can true, authentic conversation take place? Perhaps instead of relating to one another you are convinced that your partner is unfair towards you. In fact, your partner only echos back to you your own inner self-talk.
If these conversations impact your reality and affect the way you communicate with others, yet you cannot really stop them, what is left for you to do? Happily, you are not as powerless as it may seem.
Although you cannot stop your self-talk, the good news is you can refine it. You can actively direct your self-talk to an end that is satisfactory to you!